Leveraging Brand Partnerships | &Barr

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Leveraging Brand Partnerships

Finding The Right Fit For Your Brand

Some things just go well together, like peanut butter and jelly, or Ironman and Pepper Potts. While watching TV recently, an ad caught my attention that allowed two brands to promote their products effectively together.

McDonald’s released an ad focusing on their “As Featured In” meal. The commercial highlights scenes from movies (From Paris with Love, The Longest Yard) and television shows (Seinfeld, Friends, The Office) that refer to McDonald’s. The :60 spot culminates with a short scene from the television series Loki Season 2, which is set to release on October 6th on Disney+. Through this collaboration, McDonald’s was able to remind the audience of their long-standing history and how they have become not just a restaurant, but a cultural and societal icon, all while emphasizing their new “As Featured In” menu. Loki Season 2 was able to give audiences a taste of what’s to come in the new season and generate excitement around the release. These brands worked together to benefit from the popularity and presence of the other.

Loki and McDonald’s created a nostalgic ad that allowed each brand to place itself in front of the consumer in a unique and engaging way. It is important that advertising, for any business, is seen in the correct environment. This can be done by partnering with another brand, as seen in this commercial, or by partnering with the correct media partners that help position your brand. At &Barr, we have experience in both.

When developing the “Just Right” campaign for Badcock Home Furniture &more, we connected Badcock with theme park, Crayola Experience Orlando. Through this partnership, our team created a coloring book for children that paid off the Badcock “just right” brand positioning. The coloring book gave Badcock customers and families a unique experience while shopping for their next piece of furniture, while Crayola Experience Orlando was able to connect with potential guests on a personal level in Badcock stores.

We strive to place our clients’ advertising in the optimal location to connect with their intended audience and benefit from working with reputable voices in their respective industries. For example, while working with Florida Virtual School to support their national B2B brand, FlexPoint Education Cloud, we partnered with a variety of different media brands and industry publications (e.g., District AdministrationEducation Week, and SmartBrief) that serve Kindergarten-12th grade leaders with valuable educational resources. Visibility within these nationally renowned publications provided FlexPoint with credibility, featuring them as online education experts to an engaged school and district leader decision making audience.

Similarly, for Space Coast Office of Tourism, we work with travel-specific publishers like Expedia, which is one of the most highly used vacation resources. By having a presence on Expedia, the Space Coast is connecting directly with the consumer as they explore vacation opportunities. Both brands benefit from this partnership: Expedia provides their users with an additional resource and opportunity for travel, while Space Coast can communicate directly with those who are planning their next vacation.

Ultimately, it’s important to make sure that your brand is utilizing partnerships that make an impact. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team here at &Barr, we’d be happy to help you find the right opportunities and partners to help meet your goals.