&Barr Wins the Angel Awards Gold | &Barr

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&Barr Wins the

Angel Awards Gold

&Barr Wins the Angel Awards Gold for Habitat for Humanity Face the Housing Crisis™ Campaign.

The Angel Awards for Excellence in Public Service Advertising, conducted by the American Advertising Federation District 4, celebrates the best of public service campaigns. These awards highlight the incredible work being done by advertising professionals to tackle issues within the community and honor the outstanding creativity and effectiveness of such campaigns.

This year, we’re thrilled to announce &Barr took home the Gold award for our campaign with Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County which aimed to raise awareness and support for affordable housing in the community. We invested our time into making this project a success, knowing how vital Habitat Orlando & Osceola’s mission is to the community. The result was a powerful and engaging campaign that truly connected people and brought much-needed attention to the cause.

To learn more, visit: aafdistrict4.org/angel-awards.