Rosen Hotels & Resorts - Palate: A Dining Series | &Barr

Rosen Hotels & Resorts
Palate: A Dining Series

Let Creative Cook
&Barr’s mouthwatering branding initiative for a limited menu initiative.


Rosen Hotels & Resorts came to &Barr with a special request—drive business to four restaurants during times when meetings aren’t taking place and outlet traffic is decreased. &Barr took to the kitchen and began cooking up logo and name options to present to the client that stood out while still fitting into the menu of Rosen Hotels & Resorts properties.

Plate It

The naming of the Rosen Dining Program couldn’t be decided on sound alone. The program strives to create a year-long busy season for these properties by connecting with the community that surrounds them. Theory and visuals were everything.

The more the name made sense, the more impactful the logo, the more audiences would connect with the program. &Barr presented a selection of name options. After the Rosen team selected their favorites, we went to work exploring visual concepts to determine what we would move forward with.

A Full House

After presenting names and visuals, the Rosen team chose “Palate: A Rosen Dining Series” as well as a related logo. But we didn’t stop there. We had a restaurant’s worth of collateral to develop, and we were excited about the opportunity.

Menu redesigns were concepted to signify the difference between the program’s limited menu and the restaurant’s traditional offerings. Check stuffers were developed to remind diners to come back and try the program for themselves. And a social media campaign was developed with the intention of encouraging viewers to visit the program and dine a little differently.