Persimmon Hollow Brewing Co. | &Barr

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Persimmon Hollow

Brewing Co.

To quote the client, we “crushed it.” Combining the efforts of our creative, social, digital and search team, we built a full campaign using an almost exclusively analog approach.
Drink sensibly, but get weird.

There’s an expectation in polite society to be there to help your neighbors in any way you can. So when the brewery in our backyard came to us with an opportunity to develop their first advertising campaign, we knew it was our obligation—and immense honor—to give it our best. The goal was to convey how each Persimmon Hollow Brewing Company neighborhood brewery offers a totally unique experience to its guests, while also communicating the fun, communal essence found at the core of the brand.

Handcrafted beer, handcrafted ads

Developing a concept that worked for Persimmon Hollow Brewing Co. meant deepening our understanding of the brand. After a number of visits to their different locations and time spent pouring through their existing collateral, we came to a natural conclusion: a brand that doesn’t shy away from the handcrafted aspect of their product deserved ads that reflected that very same idea.

In an age of fast-paced creation and digital everything, we wanted to develop a campaign that reflected the slow connectedness that comes with sitting in a brewery with those you care about. To accomplish that, we ditched the computer entirely in exchange for X-Acto knives and cutting boards. We went to work, slicing apart labels and assets and building animations frame by frame.

Results come pouring in

The outcome of the initiative was a successful one. Google Search was the top performing partner in August, accounting for 97% of the valued conversions driven by the campaign. By employing a rich digital media messaging strategy across both in app and display banners the campaign has been able to outperform the industry benchmark for click through rates by 800%.

The Results




Ad Clicks


Outperformed industry CTR