Rosen Hotels & Resorts - Ask Rosen

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Rosen Hotels & Resorts

Ask Rosen

Our client, Rosen Hotels & Resorts, wanted to stand out to busy meeting and event planners. We had just the thing: a customized Amazon Echo. After all, these folks had questions about Rosen Hotels & Resorts. We had the answers. And all the recipient had to do was, simply, Ask Rosen.
Judging a Book by its Cover

Ask Rosen was more than a customized Amazon Echo. It was an innovative and high-tech way for meeting and event planners to get answers to their questions, thus removing barriers to the booking process. In this case, you actually could judge a book (or Amazon Echo) by its cover.


We created a sleek package design for both the Amazon Echo and Amazon Echo Dot. The eye-catching design and printing was as sleek as the contents inside the box. We wanted every step of the user experience to be exciting and memorable. Here’s what the user saw when they opened their box.



Telling a Story.

Inside the boxes, we included a brochure that introduced users to the device with step-by-step instructions on how to enable the customized Alexa skill. The brochure also told the story of Rosen Hotels & Resorts, as well as its founder, Harris Rosen.

Digital Dimension

We partnered with our client’s internal web team to create a website that introduced users to the Ask Rosen experience. The website also included a way for users to submit an RFP to host their next event at Rosen Hotels & Resorts.


The response to Ask Rosen was immediate. Meeting and event planners from across the country were quick to call and e-mail reps at Rosen Hotels & Resorts to express their enthusiasm for Ask Rosen. That’s more calls, more activity, and more bookings.