Pete Barr, Jr. | &Barr

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Pete Barr, Jr.

President & CEO

A legendary agency with a rich history, &Barr is known by the family name that’s been there since it’s conception. Behind that family name is a passionate leader with a unique approach to an ever-changing business. Pete Barr Jr. embodies all that &Barr is: intense determination, unbridled compassion and multi-faceted expertise. This isn’t a job for Pete—it’s a treasured family legacy.

As our beloved President and CEO, Pete brings a contagious, fervent spirit to everything we do. From business development to client service, Pete pushes every element of the project to reach new heights. His innate hunger for excellence fuels all aspects of the agency—people, process, product and profit.

Leading the 67-year-old agency since 2001, Pete joined &Barr in 1987 with valuable experience at the Orlando Sentinel being the backbone of his energetic approach. Transitioning to CEO, following in the footsteps of his father, Pete Barr Sr., gave him the opportunity—and challenge—of a lifetime. As a proud second-generation leader, Pete navigated the waters of what proved to be a turbulent era of the great recession, the digital transformation and, now, a global pandemic. But like every successful leader, Pete embraces change and runs with it. An avid marathoner, he’s kept pace with the evolution of an industry wildly affected by changing times and media platforms. Under his guidance, a mid-century agency was able to not only survive the new digital era but continue to exceed in traditional advertising while adapting to digital and social platforms with ease.

The one constant through every year and every change has always been Pete’s dedication to the people. The people who work for him and the clients we partner with. But what’s truly incredible about Pete is his faith. In his employees, in our collective abilities and in our commitment to doing truly good things for truly good clients. While that may seem a small thing to some, it’s anything but for Florida’s oldest agency and one of the oldest independent agencies in the country.

If you ask Pete, and he’ll tell you his favorite lifetime achievements are his son, growing roster of cherished grandchildren and nearly 40-year marriage to his wife, Sheryl. Because in true &Barr philosophy, the thing that matters most is family.

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