Dennis Nikles | &Barr

Dennis Nikles

VP - Media & Analytics

Dennis is a Master of Media who is able to make a $500,000 media buy work like a million bucks and change.

As &Barr’s Vice President of Media & Analytics, Dennis has to do a lot, know a lot and keep a lot on the move for our clients, especially when challenged by emerging media channels that are competing for eyeballs and budgets.

As negotiator-in-chief, he’s the one leveraging the spend and generally making clients darn glad he’s around to make sense of it all. Proactive, analytical and genuinely enthusiastic, Dennis lays out plans with crystal-clear logic and confidence, knowing &Barr’s media partners will not only back him up, but also routinely exceed expectations. That’s why, when value-added opportunities arise, Dennis isn’t just on their radar – he’s on speed dial. Good thing he’s always ready to take the call and get things done for our clients.

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