
We Don’t Enter Awards

We Don’t Enter Awards By: Christian Wojciechowski, VP, Creative Director I’m not sure when these words found their way into our atmosphere for the first time or who said them....

The Eola: A Night In 1957

The Eola: A Night In 1957 &Barr's 2022 Open House By: Meg Rosenoff, Senior Copywriter SWINGING INTO 65 For many, turning 65 means winding down after a lifetime of work....

Social Media Trends Overview

Social Media Trends Overview What's Going On Online Right Now? By: Grace Midtgard, Social Media Manager It’s a strange time to be on social media. You may be seeing confusing...

Are You Ready For GA4? What You Need To Know.

Are You Ready For GA4? What You Need To Know. Google phases out Universal Analytics By: Zack Bower, Digital Marketing & Analytics Supervisor Earlier this year, Google announced the sunsetting...

Orlando’s Oldest Advertising Agency

orlando's Oldest Advertising Agency An Inside Look At Our Agency's History 65 years is a lifetime. Enough time to grow up—to go through the awkward teenager stage, but also to...

AAF&Barr Sold-Out Event

AAF&Barr Sold-Out Event From Pencil to Stylus: Lessons from 65 years in Advertising By: Douglas White, Chief Operating Officer It's not the ship, it's the crew that sails it. Since...

Welcome To The Metaverse

Welcome To The Metaverse By: Rebekah Bouch, Group Account Director The Metaverse. It has certainly become the buzzword of late. Leaving many marketers wondering, what is the Metaverse really? And...

History Favors the Bold

History Favors the Bold Marketing During Economic Downturns By: Kim Blaylock, VP of Account Service Over the years, I’ve talked to many clients about marketing and advertising during less-than-ideal economic...

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