Media Relations: Always looking ahead

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Mastering Media Relations Through Strategic Foresight

By: Kiara Hart, Public Relations Account Coordinator

In public relations, it’s critical to always be looking ahead. At &Barr we’re constantly sourcing opportunities 30, 60, and even 90 days in advance to successfully secure earned media coverage for our clients. Like puzzle pieces, we align each element: a relevant topic with a timely opportunity, an internal approval process with the editorial deadline, or any other number of strategic components, so we’re always developing and delivering compelling media materials thoughtfully and on time. Three months prior to the start of a client’s fiscal year, we provide them with an annual calendar of editorial opportunities (what we call “flowcharts”) that map out the upcoming year. This flowchart is updated on an ongoing basis as we source new opportunities and confirm deadlines, so the calendar is current and a constant resource all year long.

Long-lead publications, such as monthly magazines, will begin working on their issues up to three months in advance, so we’re looking ahead for relevant, timely and seasonal opportunities four months prior to the editorial deadline to provide adequate time to confirm the outlet’s interest in an article or interview, coordinate with our clients, develop media materials, secure approvals, and submit the content with time to spare for coordination of accompanying visuals.

Weekly publications can be pitched two weeks to one month in advance, depending on the publication. Daily outlets can be pitched days in advance, sometimes even the day before, since the content is based on what’s current. Blogs can be pitched any time you have news, as most do not have deadlines. Bloggers will either incorporate your pitch into existing articles or create a new article based on your pitch. Since these publications publish content frequently, there is sometimes a greater need for news stories. Broadcast media can be pitched as late as the day before, during the morning or afternoon shift, which we often select specific to the timing of an event the next day when sending a media alert inviting them to attend.

Understanding the nuances of how each media outlet operates and being conscious of their specific deadlines based on their frequency and delivery method (i.e., print vs. online or broadcast) helps ensure our efforts to secure earned media coverage for our clients are efficient and effective. In the ever-changing media environment, capitalizing on opportunities through careful planning and intentional actions isn’t just our strategy—it’s a prerequisite for success. We look forward to hearing from you if you’re interested in learning more about how &Barr can elevate your media relations efforts.

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